How to build only scripts with command line publish

Hello, everyone.

Is there a way to use the “Only recompile scripts when building” listed in the following link from the command line?

I’ve checked the manual page, but I don’t see any options that look like that.

Is the “Only recompile scripts when building” feature available only in Editor? Is it not available from the command line?

My current environment
CocosCreator v2.4.12

Thank you.

Hello, you can try adding the buildScriptsOnly parameter.

Hi. Thanks for the reply.

Is this “buildScriptsOnly parameter” a hidden parameter not mentioned in the manual?

Can I specify the following as a parameter?

/Applications/ buildScriptsOnly --path projectPath
  --build "platform=web-mobile;debug=true"

Thank you.

try use buildScriptsOnly=true

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Thanks for the reply.

I was able to solve the problem by adding the “buildScriptsOnly=true” that you taught me to add to the build parameter!
Thanks for the tip!

/Applications/ --path projectPath
  --build "platform=web-mobile;debug=true;buildScriptsOnly=true"

My only regret is that it is not listed in the manual…

Thank you for your help.

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