Shader display problem

When working with shaders in the “Scene” and the “Camera” window, I get one image, and when placed in a browser or player, it’s completely different.

Please tell me what am I doing wrong?

Are you using a plugin ? It seems the selection of shader is not corect

For the test, I just added a custom material to the sprite.
I was hoping that in the inspector it would be possible to change variables and see the result in the scene window, but unfortunately when I run this in a browser or player, the image does not match what I see in the scene.
I’m interested in the 2D scene!
Maybe something with the camera settings?

// Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Xiamen Yaji Software Co., Ltd.
CCEffect %{
  - passes:
    - vert: sprite-vs:vert
      frag: sprite-fs:frag
        depthTest: false
        depthWrite: false
        - blend: true
          blendSrc: src_alpha
          blendDst: one_minus_src_alpha
          blendDstAlpha: one_minus_src_alpha
        cullMode: none
        alphaThreshold: { value: 0.5 }
        startColor: { value: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], editor: {type: color} }
        endColor: { value: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], editor: {type: color} }

CCProgram sprite-vs %{
  precision highp float;
  #include <builtin/uniforms/cc-global>
    #include <builtin/uniforms/cc-local>
    #include <common/common-define>
  in vec3 a_position;
  in vec2 a_texCoord;
  in vec4 a_color;

  out vec4 color;
  out vec2 uv0;

  vec4 vert () {
    vec4 pos = vec4(a_position, 1);

    #if USE_LOCAL
      pos = cc_matWorld * pos;

      pos = cc_matView * pos; = floor(;
      pos = cc_matProj * pos;
      pos = cc_matViewProj * pos;

    uv0 = a_texCoord;
    color = a_color;

    return pos;

CCProgram sprite-fs %{
  precision highp float;
  #include <builtin/internal/embedded-alpha>
  #include <builtin/internal/alpha-test>

  in vec4 color;

  uniform Constant{
    vec4 startColor;
    vec4 endColor;

    in vec2 uv0;
    #pragma builtin(local)
    layout(set = 2, binding = 11) uniform sampler2D cc_spriteTexture;

  vec4 frag () {
    vec4 o = vec4(1, 1, 1, 1);

    #if USE_TEXTURE            
      o *= CCSampleWithAlphaSeparated(cc_spriteTexture, uv0); 
      #if IS_GRAY
        float gray  = 0.2126 * o.r + 0.7152 * o.g + 0.0722 * o.b;
        o.r = o.g = o.b = gray;

         o.rgb *= mix(startColor, endColor, vec4(uv0.x)).rgb;

      #if USE_VERTICAL 
         o.rgb *= mix(startColor, endColor, vec4(uv0.y)).rgb;


    o *= color;

    return o;

On a smaller texture, the distortion is greater than on a larger texture.
The HelloWorld texture has a size of 196 X 270.

I scaled it up in the graphics editor to 400 x 554 and the distortion is barely noticeable.

One shader is used, only the sprite texture changes.
Do you need some tweaks or is this a bug?

Try uncheck this packable setting and see what happend

tuan243 , Thanks a lot! Everything works great now!

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