Shader Material is not working in android when images are packing with autoatlas


I’m currently working on implementing a shader material file for creating image outlines. The shader works fine in the editor and web environments, whether with autoatlas or without it. However, I’m facing an issue on Android where the outlines appear thicker when using autoatlas. I’m using cocos creator 3.7.3 for this project. I would appreciate any help or advice you can provide.

Here is a screenshot of the result I’m getting in android:

Here is a screenshot of the result I’m getting in web environments:

Hello @pandamicro

I’m having the similar issue. Could you please look into it?
For me, even for a simple sprite to work, I need to change its texture filter type to none (in editor) to make it work. Otherwise, what we see in editor and on web are not the same.

I tried it with auto atlas and texture filter trick mentioned above no longer work as well.