Tiled map in Cocos creator gives error

Create a tile map, but when I try to import it in Cocos Creator, it gives an error.

Failed to allocate chunk in StaticVBAccessor, the requested buffer might be too large: 1572912 bytes
[Scene] Cannot read property ‘vb’ of null
Map size- width-150 height -150
tile width-32. tile height -32

Please take a look at this doc

You need to increase BATCHER2D_MEM_INCREMENT in your project setting

It worked, but there is another issue: if I checked culling in some areas, it didn’t render the base layer. If I unchecked culling, then it was going to lag the game.

What do you mean by checked culling in some areas?

Enable the culling, due to which in some areas only one layer is visible (a total of two layers). Also, I can’t disable the culling because the map size is large.

Can you provide a project that reproduces the problem?