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Mighty Kingdom lays off 28% of staff

Australian studio shares details for affected staff online in hopes of helping them find new roles

Australia-based developer Mighty Kingdom has laid off 28% of its workforce, affecting at least 14 people.

The studio informed staff last week and posted a statement from CEO David Yin on social media this morning. Yin explained that the move had come as the company undergoes a "strategic rightsizing to streamline our operations" and restructure some roles.

"This decision is made with heavy hearts and we never wanted to find ourselves in this position," Yin continued. "We have exhausted all possible avenues to avert these changes."

The CEO described the layoffs as "the toughest chapter in our story."

Mighty Kingdom has shared a spreadsheet online giving details for all the affected staff that were willing to be included, and the studio is calling on potential employers to bring those who have been laid off on board. At the time of writing, 14 people are listed in the document.

"We highly recommend each of the incredible professionals we've had to part ways with," Yin wrote. "They have contributed significantly to our success over the years. If you can assist or hire, please consider reaching out to them."

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James Batchelor: James is Editor-in-Chief at, and has been a B2B journalist since 2006. He is author of The Best Non-Violent Video Games
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