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Game Pass would fare better on PC and mobile than PlayStation and Nintendo | Microcast

Latest episode available to download now, also discusses Microsoft's mobile store plans and the companies refocusing on their core strengths

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Chris Dring and James Batchelor discuss the biggest stories of the past week, starting with the mixed messages over whether Xbox Game Pass is heading to Nintendo and PlayStation consoles.

While Xbox CFO Tim Stuart said last week that this is part of the company's long-term strategy (echoing comments from Xbox boss Phil Spencer five years ago), Spencer has since said this is not on the cards. Which is unsurprising given the number of obstacles such a move would need to overcome (as Rob Fahey discussed in his latest column).

The episode also discusses the ongoing trend of companies focusing on their core strengths in the face of economic uncertainty, as explored in the latest edition of This Week In Business.

You can listen via the player below, download the episode here, or subscribe to our feed, available via Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Overcast, Player FM, TuneIn and other widely-used podcast platforms.

Music composed by Thomas Marchant.

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