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Don’t Nod restructures around three genres

RPG, narrative adventure, and action adventure named as three pillars, firm clarifies reshuffle didn't result in layoffs

Don't Nod has announced a new studio organisation structured around its three genres of predilection: RPG, narrative adventure, and action adventure.

The company will now be organised in three branches named after these genres, with the aim being to emphasise its expertise in these titles and reflect its role as both a developer and publisher.

Don't Nod clarified to that this restructure does not mean redundancies, with a spokesperson saying: "There were no layoffs at Don't Nod following this reorganisation. In 2023, we witnessed an exceptional year of content, featuring a multitude of high quality games, encompassing both small and large-scale innovative titles.

"Simultaneously, it proved to be a challenging period for the industry at large, marked by numerous layoffs and the unfortunate loss of jobs for thousands of individuals, even in cases where critical success was achieved. Fortunately, we haven’t had any layoffs. As we reflect on the year, our hope is to maintain our integrity and resilience in the face of industry challenges. We aspire to continue producing thought-provoking and daring games, contributing positively to the gaming landscape for years to come."

About the restructure, Don't Nod CEO Oskar Guilbert said it reflected the company's desire to deepen its expertise in these three genres, with a focus on "strategic business growth" aiming at solidifying its "position as a market leader."

He added: "This new organisation reflects our dedication to delivering high-quality games across successful gaming genres. The expertise cultivated within these branches allows us to develop increasingly specialised in-house tools and ultimately, cost optimisation in production. By improving our productivity and our internal capabilities, we aim to deliver memorable and unique gaming experiences that resonate with players worldwide."

Don't Nod moved into third-party publishing two years ago, following a move to self-publish its games in 2020.

We talked to Guilbert and CMO Sophie Filip in late 2022 about the firm's third-party publishing strategy.

Earlier this year, French union STJV flagged concerns about the welfare of employees at Don't Nod, in part due to alleged erratic organisation but also to the studio taking on more projects than it can handle. The company refuted the accusations, saying it was taking them seriously internally but that the allegations "do not align with [the] company values and culture."

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Marie Dealessandri: Marie joined in 2019 to head its Academy section. A journalist since 2012, she started in games in 2016. She can be found (rarely) tweeting @mariedeal, usually on a loop about Baldur’s Gate and the Dead Cells soundtrack. GI resident Moomins expert.
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