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Six IronSource founders step down from their executive roles at Unity

Per the firm's restructuring plan, the cohort will remain as employees for six months to assist with the transition

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Unity will see six of IronSource's co-founders move to non-executive positions and stay employed for the next six months during the transitionary period.

As reported by, per a new SEC filing, Tomer Bar-Zeev and the firm mutually agreed that he would step down as CEO per its restructuring plans.

Additionally, IronSource founders Eyal Milrad, Omer Kaplan, Tamir Carmi, Arnon Harish, and Assaf Ben-Ami also agreed to leave their executive positions.

IronSource Unity completed its merger back in November 2022 and became Unity Grow Solutions. Its product offerings include Unity LevelPlay, ironSource Ads, Unity Ads, Luna from Unity, Supersonic from Unity, and Aura from Unity.

The news comes shortly after Unity announced layoffs as part of its restructuring plan, resulting in a redundancy of 1,800 jobs.

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Jeffrey Rousseau: Jeffrey joined in March 2021. Based in Florida, his work focused on the intersectionality of games and media. He enjoys reading, podcasts, staying informed, and learning how people are tackling issues.
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