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31st Union lays off "small number" of staff

Developer cites cuts as part of "on-going efforts to best support its studio and games"

2K-owned 31st Union laid off a small number of staff yesterday, the studio has confirmed.

As reported by Kotaku, the studio said "less than ten" employees had been let go as part of "on-going efforts to best support [its] studio and games."

"These situations are never easy, but we're confident in the trajectory of 31st Union," the games firm said. "The studio is continuing to actively recruit for key roles and to grow in other ways in the year ahead."

31st Union was founded in 2019 by Sledgehammer Games co-founder Michael Condrey. It was initially named 2K Silicon Valley, then changed to 31st Union in 2020.

Speaking to in 2019, Condrey said the studio was working on a new, yet to be released IP.

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Sophie McEvoy: Sophie McEvoy is a Staff Writer at She is based in Hampshire and has been a gaming & entertainment journalist since 2018.
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