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Don't Nod veteran Abrial da Costa named CEO of Playdigious

He will be taking on the role from July 3

Playdigious is shaking up its exec team, with Abrial da Costa appointed as its new CEO.

Da Costa has been chief business officer at Don't Nod since 2014 and will be replacing current CEO Xavier Liard from July 3, 2023.

Liard, who co-founded Playdigious, will remain at the firm's parent company Fragbite as senior strategy advisor.

CTO and co-founder Romain Tisserand will also move on from his role to head Playdigious' new R&D department as head of research and development.

Liard commented: "It is with great pride that Romain and I hand over the reins to Abrial and usher in a new era for Playdigious. I have the past year spent more time advising on the group level and this has led to my decision to take on this new challenge."

Da Costa added: "After almost nine years leading Don't Nod's business strategy and taking part in its IPO as well as three strategic capital rounds, I'm proud to be joining Fragbite Group.

"I was lucky enough to work with Romain and Xavier many years ago, and since the creation of Playdigious, I've admired the colossal amount of work done by them and their team. I am really looking forward to taking the Company to the next level and contribute to Fragbite Group's growth."

Earlier this month, Playdigious announced the opening of its new publishing arm, due to focus on indie titles for PC and consoles. The studio previously specialised in mobile ports and was acquired by Fragbite in 2021.

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Marie Dealessandri: Marie joined in 2019 to head its Academy section. A journalist since 2012, she started in games in 2016. She can be found (rarely) tweeting @mariedeal, usually on a loop about Baldur’s Gate and the Dead Cells soundtrack. GI resident Moomins expert.
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