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Xbox announces Indie Selects program

A curation of indie games will be spotlighted weekly on the console's storefront

ID@Xbox has launched a curated program to highlight the top indie games on its platform.

The Indie Selects program will consist of games selected by the ID@Xbox team, showcased in a permanent section on the Xbox Store.

Games will be spotlighted every Wednesday on dedicated channels including one for recently released games, another for games revolving around a weekly themes which players can suggest on social media.

There will also be a channel dedicated to indie games from across the world, as well as titles available for pre-order and games for players to wish list.

During the last week of the month, there will be a showcase where six titles are deemed Indie Selects as voted for by the ID@Xbox team.

These titles will be featured in a special collection for the week, will have an article published on Xbox Wire, and developers will receive a digital award.

"With a dedicated, permanent, curated collection in the Xbox Store, we'll be able to bring more attention to games that we feel are particularly special," ID@Xbox said.

"Everything from current favourites, to older gems from new creators around the world."

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Sophie McEvoy: Sophie McEvoy is a Staff Writer at She is based in Hampshire and has been a gaming & entertainment journalist since 2018.
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