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Five UK women-led studios receive £215,000 in funding

The Innovate UK award also includes a year's worth of additional business support

Innovate UK has awarded five UK women-led studios with an accolade that includes a combined total of £215,000 in grants.

The funding will go towards business grants and personal living allowances, and includes 12 months of support for the studios.

Those receiving the funding include Glowfrog Games CEO Kate Killick, Peanut & Crumb executive producer Jane Gerber, Silver Script Games founder Alyx Jones, Dot Dot Fire co-founder Hilary Lok, and Konglomerate Games director and designer Connie Reid.

Four of the studios each received £50,000. Glowfrog received £15,000, including a £5,000 business grant and £10,000 personal living allowance.

"I'm thrilled to receive this award from Innovate UK to help launch Glowfrog Games," said Killick. "Women in games continue to face significant challenges in accessing support and funding for their businesses, and programmes like this play an important part in creating a brighter future for the industry."

The five studios are among over 200 entrepreneurs being supported by Innovate UK, who are providing £6.2 million overall in funding to entrepreneurs.

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Sophie McEvoy: Sophie McEvoy is a Staff Writer at She is based in Hampshire and has been a gaming & entertainment journalist since 2018.
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