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Certain Affinity cuts 10% of workforce

CEO cites "industry-wide slow down in funding" and "reluctance of third party investors" as reasons for decision

Certain Affinity has laid off 25 US-based employees working in its business operations division.

In a post to the developer's website on March 28, CEO Max Hoberman cited "an industry-wide slow down in the funding of new lead and co-development projects" and a "reluctance of third party investors" as the main reasons for the decision.

"This has made it exceptionally difficult to sign new work or secure other forms of funding," he wrote. "Our current focus is on our team and the well-being of those most impacted, whom we are supporting with severance pay and benefits continuation.

"We have built an amazing culture where we all come together to support one another in times of need. We ask for your understanding and patience while we navigate this unprecedented event."

Certain Affinity was founded by Hoberman in 2006 after leaving Bungie where he worked as multiplayer and online lead on the Halo franchise.

The support studio's most recent projects include Halo Infinite, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, and Hogwarts Legacy.

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Sophie McEvoy: Sophie McEvoy is a Staff Writer at She is based in Hampshire and has been a gaming & entertainment journalist since 2018.
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