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Composer Yuka Kitamura exits FromSoftware after 12 years

The musician leaves the game studio to work as a freelancer

Yuka Kitamura, composer at FromSoftware, announced that they've exited the game studio.

Kitamura made the announcement on Twitter and did not provide any reasons for leaving.

"I have decided to leave FromSoftware, the company I worked for, and to start working now as a freelance composer this August," they said.

"I would like to continue to express myself in game music through various genres of music."

Kitamura joined FromSoftware in 2011, and their video game credits include Armored Core Verdict Day, Mobile Suit Gundam UC, and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.

They also contributed to the music of Elden Ring, which won the National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers award for Outstanding Original Dramatic Score in 2022.

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Jeffrey Rousseau: Jeffrey joined in March 2021. Based in Florida, his work focused on the intersectionality of games and media. He enjoys reading, podcasts, staying informed, and learning how people are tackling issues.
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