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Developers to retain 90% of revenue share on HTC's Viveport store

Firm says changes were made to help accelerate developer growth and to benefit the XR community

HTC has announced a change in its revenue share for developers on its XR gaming and app storefront Viveport.

From April 1st, developers of new titles will keep 90% of all one-time purchase revenue for both PCVR and Vive XR Elite titles as well as apps. This revenue split will be honoured back to March 1 for existing titles, the firm said.

"Developers are the heartbeat of the XR ecosystem – when they thrive, the whole industry thrives," said Joseph Lin, general manager of Viveport.

"That's why we're introducing the 90% revenue share on purchases of apps and games on the Viveport store for developers to accelerate their growth," Lin continued.

"By putting more resources directly into the hands of the creators, we're ensuring Viveport is at the forefront of driving growth for the XR community."

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Sophie McEvoy: Sophie McEvoy is a Staff Writer at She is based in Hampshire and has been a gaming & entertainment journalist since 2018.
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