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E3 2021 set the ESA back $6m

Within that year, the organization made $3.4 million in revenue and spent $7.3 million in total

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The digital showcase of E3 2021 cost the Entertainment Software Association $6 million to put on.

As reported by IGN, per the organization's recent financial statements for the fiscal year ending in March 2022.

Regarding the cost breakdown, $3.9 million went to Paragaon Creative Agency for tradeshow management, $1.6 was paid to Game Cloud Network, and Smithbucklin received $584,119 for its role in running the showcase.

The E3 2021 online expenses doesn't track spending before April 2021.

The financial report goes on to say that revenue for E3 was $3.4 million, while it spent $7.3 million that year.

Additionally, IGN said that in terms of wages, ESA president Stanley Pierre-Louis earned nearly $1.5 million during that year. In the year prior, the executive earned $1.3 million.

The ESA pulled in $26 million from member fees that same year. Total revenue for the organization hit $39 million, but after expenses, it only made $2 million that year.

The news comes a week after the trade body rebuffed that E3 2024 and 2025 have been cancelled.

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Jeffrey Rousseau: Jeffrey joined in March 2021. Based in Florida, his work focused on the intersectionality of games and media. He enjoys reading, podcasts, staying informed, and learning how people are tackling issues.
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