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Activision Blizzard drops lawsuit against TikTok user

Publisher originally sued Anthony 'The Needle Drop' Fantano over the rights to use a sample of his voice

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Activision Blizzard has withdrawn its legal complaint against a TikTok user that had threatened to sue the publisher for using one of their audio clips without consent.

Last month, Activision filed a suit against music critic Anthony 'The Needle Drop' Fantano, accusing him of demanding an "extortionate amount of money" to use a soundbite the company claimed could be legally used for promotional content.

A court filing dated Thursday, August 10, spotted by Axios, now reveals the Crash Bandicoot publisher has dropped this lawsuit.

It states that Activision Blizzard "dismisses this entire action, including, without limitation, all claims alleged therein, with prejudice."

The clip at the centre of the dispute was Fantano's April 2021 reaction to a pizza being cut too many times, which Activision Blizzard used in a June 2023 promotional video for Crash Bandicoot.

Fantano threatened legal action, prompting Activision to remove the video in question. However, the company later took its own legal action against Fantano, claiming he was still demanding "substantial damages from the use" of the audio.

Activision Blizzard declined to comment to Axios.

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James Batchelor: James is Editor-in-Chief at, and has been a B2B journalist since 2006. He is author of The Best Non-Violent Video Games
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