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Black Game Developer Fund promises $1m in fourth year

Fund has financed more 40 projects from Black creators since it began in 2020

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The organisers of the Black Game Developer Fund have confirmed it will once again pour $1 million into projects by Black game makers as the program enters its fourth year.

Humble and the BGDF will use the funding to give independent Black creators the chance to bring their games to market, as well as providing other support such as mentoring, networking opportunities and marketing.

In a blog post, the Fund said it has helped to finance more than 40 games since 2020. In the past year, the BGDF provided finance to nine new projects.

Justin Woodward and Sithe Ncube will continue to serve as advisors for the Fund's operating team, as well as all of its members.

BGDF-funded games that have launched in the past year include Playtra Games' Grid Force: Mask of the Goddess, Miscellaneum Studios' Distraction Machine and Adam Kareem's Protodroid Delta.

Kareem was one of the first BGDF members to secure an official publishing deal with Humble. You can read more about his story and Protodroid Delta in our recent interview.

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James Batchelor: James is Editor-in-Chief at, and has been a B2B journalist since 2006. He is author of The Best Non-Violent Video Games
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