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How you sign in to this site is changing slightly

ReedPop ID is now Gamer Network ID.

As you may know, the network this site belongs to is for sale.

To help us with our impending separation from the ReedPop business we are detaching some systems and services from the ReedPop brand.

One of those systems is our reader accounts system which powers profiles, comments, subscriptions, and newsletters on this very website.

We are taking the dramatic step of renaming our account system from “ReedPop ID” to… “Gamer Network ID”.

What this means for you:

We hope you enjoy the new brand name for our accounts system.

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Craig Munro avatar
Craig Munro: Craig is ReedPop's Digital Product Director. He's helped originate and design most of ReedPop's sites since 2006. He lives in sunny Brighton, UK, and is still trying to complete Super Punch-Out!! on the Super Nintendo.
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