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Former Loaded director launches Beck Interactive Partners

Company aims to pair developers and influencers to support games in early development

The former director of Loaded's games team has launched Beck Interactive Partners, a developer representation firm.

Alex Beck founded the company to connect developers and influencers, with a focus on emerging studios and games in the early stages of development to generate interest up to launch.

"A rapidly growing number of today's creators [...] want to be advocates and partners, curating relationships with studios where they aren't simply contracted to play and stream a studio's game for short term gain, but invest personally in its long-term success," said Beck.

"BIP exists to facilitate these relationships, ensuring creators are foundationally matched with studio clients, so their go-to-market roadmap is paved with the best publishing agreements possible."

He added: "Our goal is to ensure that the studios we represent, regardless of development team size or resources, have every opportunity for success and recognition in a crowded marketplace."

Correction: The headline previously referred to Beck as a former Twitch director. In fact, he worked for Loaded and represented some creators on Twitch. The headline has been amended.

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Sophie McEvoy: Sophie McEvoy is a Staff Writer at She is based in Hampshire and has been a gaming & entertainment journalist since 2018.
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