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Fragbite Group brings back MMA Manager 2 publishing in-house

FunRock & Prey Studios' parent company agrees with previous publisher Tilting Point to take over mobile game

Mobile game title MMA Manager 2: Ultimate Fight will be published by Fragbite Group going forward.

The game and its proprietary mobile engine were developed by FunRock & Prey Studios, and published by Tilting Point at launch last June.

Fragbite Group, which owns FunRock & Prey Studios, has announced a mutual agreement with Tilting Point will see it bring the project and tech back in-house. Tilting Point will continue to partner with Fragbite on other projects.

"We have been in discussions with Tilting Point for some time now regarding the future of the game engine and the title MMA Manager 2: Ultimate Fight," president and CEO of Fragbite Group Marcus Teilman said.

"We have in good faith agreed that both are best served from this point forward if the publication is carried out in-house. It will allow us greater flexibility as we are able to choose channels and level of expenditure on marketing, something we believe will generate improved margins over time."

FunRock and Tilting Point have been working together for several years on other titles, including strategy game Capital War and the original MMA Manager.

Correction: For the record, we have updated the above article and the headline to reflect the end of the MMA Manager 2 publishing contract was in mutual agreement between Fragbite Group and Tilting Point.

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Marie Dealessandri: Marie joined in 2019 to head its Academy section. A journalist since 2012, she started in games in 2016. She can be found (rarely) tweeting @mariedeal, usually on a loop about Baldur’s Gate and the Dead Cells soundtrack. GI resident Moomins expert.
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