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Prytania Media shutters Crop Circle Games

The development studio closes its doors in under two years after publicly revealing itself

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Prytania Media has closed down the Crop Circle Games development studio.

As reported by GameDeveloper, the news comes as the parent company confirmed its closure to staff.

Crop Circle's operations manager Luna Jade said on social media, "Delighted that Prytania Media waited until the end of GDC to notify its furloughed employees Crop Circle Games is closing and we have been officially terminated."

When visiting the studio's website, a message notes that Crop Circle's Games concept did not find the finances to continue its development. Prytania attributed this to changing consumer tastes and economic conditions changing due to the pandemic.

The news comes a month after Crop Circle Games underwent a number of layoffs back in February.

With its closure, the game developer shuts down nearly three years after being established.

It was unveiled publicly in October 2022, announcing the goal of creating the next narrative sandbox title for a global audience.

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Jeffrey Rousseau: Jeffrey joined in March 2021. Based in Florida, his work focused on the intersectionality of games and media. He enjoys reading, podcasts, staying informed, and learning how people are tackling issues.
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