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Tencent leads's Top Publisher Awards 2023 for the global mobile market

Among the top 50 publishers for 2022, 27 are based in the Asia Pacific, 12 in China, and 17 within the US

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Today analytics firm released its 2023 Top Publisher Awards for the mobile market and named Tencent as number one for 2022.

This now marks the sixth year consecutively in which the conglomerate has taken the prize. The firm is behind titles such as Arena of Valor, PUBG Mobile, and Crossfire.

The awards recognizes 50 of the highest-performing mobile publishing companies worldwide by consumer spending.

ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok, was second, whereas Google came in third.

Additionally, the firm said that among the 50 companies, 27 of the chart toppers were based in the Asia Pacific.

US-headquartered publishers comprised 17 top performers and 12 firms based in China also ranked.'s top ten worldwide mobile publishers are as follows:

  • Tencent - China
  • ByteDance - China
  • Google - US
  • Activision Blizzard - US
  • NetEase - China
  • Match Group - US
  • Playrix- Ireland
  • Disney - US
  • Netmarble – South Korea
  • Playtika - Israel

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Jeffrey Rousseau: Jeffrey joined in March 2021. Based in Florida, his work focused on the intersectionality of games and media. He enjoys reading, podcasts, staying informed, and learning how people are tackling issues.
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