By juegoadmin | Game Development | July 25th, 2023

Top Video Game Companies in Orlando

The game development industry has experienced exponential growth globally. Whether you want to build a career or get the services, video game companies in Orlando should be your go-to destination. Some of the top game development studios are located in Orlando. Irrespective of the type of game you want, the city has ample industry to cater to your need.

It is crucial to deliberate upon choosing the right game development companies in Orlando to ensure you get the best possible services at reasonable rates. Orlando is one of the major tech and industrial centers in America. It is home to a wide variety of industries including game developers. Be it indie game developers or well-known AAA game developers you are looking for, Orlando has it all.

But before you finalize the deal, it is crucial to take an informed decision on the most suitable game development studio for your project. Read on to find out all about the top game development companies in Orlando and how to choose the best for your project.

How to Choose Game Companies in Orlando?

People Playing Game

There are several criteria to consider while choosing a games company in Orlando. Their reputation, portfolio, pricing, and many more factors play a crucial role in determining their suitability for your project. Here are a few factors to consider when you wish to hire one of the top game development companies in Orlando:

  • Company Expertise and Reputation 

The first and foremost thing you must look into is the overall reputation and expertise of the game development studio. Your project’s success or failure is largely affected by the team working for you. There are a few essential questions that you must ask before hiring a game design company-

  1. Do they have prior experience in creating the type of game you want?
  2. How long have they been in the business?
  3. What are the technologies used by the company?
  • Culture and Ethics

A company’s internal culture has a significant effect on its productivity and quality of service. You can get a fair idea about these aspects from the company’s website, social media pages, and review forums. Top game studios in Orlando are known for their diverse and inclusive culture that fosters a healthier work ambiance. Thus, they can produce high-quality games that are widely accepted.

  • Pricing

Pricing is a major factor that influences your decision while looking for game development services. The pricing depends on the type of game you need as well as your budget. To get one of the best video game companies in Orlando, you must set a realistic budget as per the type of game you want. Conduct some research on the standard market rates of developing any type of game and accordingly look for a company that is experienced.

  • Reviews

The reviews received by a company for its projects and services can say a lot about its reliability. You can find such information from tech forums and even Google review of the company. You may even ask previous clients for first-hand insight into your choice’s game development companies.

  • Talented Team

Fathoming the team’s capabilities is possible if you take a close look at their previous works. Reviews can also help to assess the team’s performance and consistency. You must ensure the company has an efficient project management team who can systematically plan, organize and execute your project within the pre-determined deadline. The key is their consistency with the services.

  • Portfolio

Most game development companies that have been in the business for a while have a portfolio to showcase. You will find it on their website. Go through the previous works, and if possible try out the games to determine whether the company is the right choice for your project.

  • Access to Technologies

Top game companies in Orlando use the latest technologies to create their games. This will include game engines like Unity, Unreal, Phaser, Photon, Playcanvas, etc. Check out the technology the company uses to get a better idea about their overall idea about their expertise.

Top Video Game Companies in Orlando

Person playing game

To simplify your search, we have shortlisted the top five game development companies in Orlando that can provide you with every service related to games:

  • Juego Studios

Juego Studios was founded in 2013 and is one of the top game companies in Orlando, offering full-cycle game development services. The company has several noteworthy projects to highlight in its portfolio. They have created games from varying genres like-

  • Strategy video games 
  • Mobile games 
  • Simulation games 
  • RPG games
  • Shooter games 

They have also ventured into exploring metaverse game development, AR/VR games, NFT, and blockchain games too.

They also have the necessary experts to provide cross-platform game development, game porting, and co-development services for platforms like iOS, Android, PC, consoles, and so on. The company has established a reputation with its impressive clientele that includes names such as Walt Disney, EROS NOW, Amazon, and many more.

The top projects by Juego Studios include games like WWII, Hopster, NBA 2K21, and Ghost Busters: Spirit Unleashed to name a few.

With branches in India, USA, and UAE, the company is steadily expanding and becoming a noted name in the game development services sector.

  • Iron Galaxy Studios

Iron Galaxy Studios was founded in 2008 and is one of the biggest independent game developers in the world. They have worked on 80+ shipped titles so far. The company provides full-cycle game development services, support projects, port projects, etc. They also participate in collaborative ventures with other game studios for the projects. 

Iron Galaxy Studios developed various games for Xbox, PC, mobile, Nintendo Switch, PS3 and PS4, etc. Some of their original and noted works include Wreckateer and Killer Instinct.  Their support projects include Diablo III and Fallout 76.

  • Third Time Entertainment

Third Time Entertainment is one of the top startup game studios in Orlando, founded in 2015. They are a small team founded by veteran developers of EA Games, Zynga. The company specializes in NFT and Blockchain Games. They created the most popular virtual horse racing play-to-earn ecosystem, Photo Finish™ LIVE. They have also announced two of the most anticipated NFT projects on the Solana blockchain. Another notable project by the company is Horse Racing Manager. If you are looking for NFT and blockchain game development companies in Florida, Third Time Entertainment has the experience to rely on.

  • Spectre Games

Spectre Games was founded in 2015 by two brothers. They are a B2C game development company providing full-immersion VR games. They use the latest technologies for their projects and currently working on developing their first game “intrusion” which will be an action-adventure game. However, they have not revealed for which platform the game is being developed. The game of the project is EvoMan.

Though the team is small, they are promising. They have shared a few glimpses of their ongoing project on the website and the visuals are quite promising. Their gallery display to the fullest, their potential as developers and the extent to which they use the best technologies for their project.

  • Screaming Games

Founded in 2015, the game development studio specializes in creating mobile-based racing games. Their most notable project is Max DTR which is a highly challenging dirt track racing game available on iOS and Android. If you are looking for a mobile game development company, Screaming Games has much to offer. 

The business is well-versed in the latest trends in the gaming development industry though they specialize in racing games. The team is small but they are the face behind one of the most popular racing games you will come across. This makes them a reliable choice for your projects.

  • GameSim

GameSim was founded in 2008 and is a small company with a strength of 46 employees. However, they have earned a reputation for creating full-cycle original video games as well as for their collaborative work with other game development studios. They also provide services related to simulation, visualization, and modeling industries.

They have a competent team of developers who have a very systematic approach that makes them a reliable choice for all kinds of game development services. They are providing all their services at a competitive rate making them a good choice when you have budget constraints.

  • Electronics Arts

One of the globally top game development companies is Electronics Arts. They have a brand image for numerous globally acclaimed projects. The company was founded in 1982 and has scaled steadily. Today there are nine branches of Electronics Arts, including an office in Orlando. However, they are a business that majorly works on top projects like AAA games. You must have a higher budget to hire them for your project. They develop games for PC, Nintendo, PlayStation 5, Xbox, mobile, and so on. Some of their top projects include Star Wars: Jedi Survivor, the FIFA series, and so on.

Wrapping up

Choosing a game development studio ideal for your project in Orlando would be easy when you compare the portfolios and backgrounds of these companies. Orlando is one of the top hubs of game development studios and it is flourishing by the day. 

From established companies to indie developers, you can hire the top talents at Orlando. For any further assistance and queries, feel free to reach out to Juego Studios. We have been creating games for startups to Fortune 500 enterprises alike, for a decade now. We have built a reputation through innovation and consistent service and constantly strive towards creating the next best games.

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